Wednesday, March 16, 2016



Modified version of the basket weave fingerless gloves in the earlier post. With added thumb gusset, these gloves fits snugly. Basket weave pattern is not difficult but it goes slow!

Finished Measurement: Women's medium, to fit hand 7" circumference. Length: 6.5", width: 3.5". If you want to make it smaller or bigger, decrease or increase the number of stitches by 2, or use bigger or smaller needles. 

Yarn: 1 skein of worsted weight yarn (95yd/50g).

Shown in: Mochi Plus from Crystal Palace Yarns (80% merino wool/20% nylon). Color 556. 

Needles: Double pointed needles, or 32" circular needles if using magic loop method. US 4 needles and US 6 needles. 

Notions: Crochet hook, tapestry needle, waste yarn.

Gauge: 6 sts per inch in the basket weave pattern. 

Pattern: Diagonal basket weave in the round. Multiple of 2 + 1sts. I used this instruction: 

BO: bound offCO: cast on
k: knit
m: make
p: purl
pm: place marker
R: round
sl: slip
st/sts: stitch/es

  • Divide your skein: into two balls. If you have a scale, measure it to divide the skein evenly. 
  • Cast on: With size 4 needles, CO 36. 
  • Garter rows
    • R1: Join and P in the round. 
    • R2: K 
    • R3: P. Now you have two garter ridges.
  • Increase row: Switch to size 6 needles. K4, M1. 9 sts increased, 45 sts total.
  • Wrist: See the diagonal weave in the round pattern instruction. Work in the pattern for 2" from the bottom.
  • Thumb gusset:

    • R1: Continue in the pattern until 1 st left, pm, m1, k, m1, pm (2 sts increased, 3 sts between pm)
    • R2: Sl1, continue in pattern until 1st left before pm, sl1, pm, p3, pm 
    • R3: Continue in pattern, pm, k3, pm
    • R4: Repeat R2
    • R5: Continue in pattern, pm, k1, m1, k1, m1, k1, pm (5 sts between pm)
    • R6: Sl1, continue in pattern until 1 st left before pm, sl1, pm, p5, pm
    • R7: Continue in pattern, pm, k5, pm
    • R8: Repeat R6
    • R9-17: Continue in this manner, increasing 2 sts every 4 rounds (at R9, R13, R17). You will have 11sts between place markers at the end of R17. Total of 10 sts increased, 55 sts total. 
  • Hand
    • R1: Sl1, continue in pattern, put 11sts that was between the pm in waste yarn (44 sts)
    • R2: m1, sl1, continue in pattern (45 sts)
    • Continue in pattern for 1"
  • Decrease rowSwitch to size 4 needles. *P2, p2tog* repeat to last st, p. Eleven sts decreased, 34 sts total.
  • Garter rows
    • R1: K
    • R2: P. Now you have 2 garter ridges.
    • BO knit wise.
  • Thumb:
    • Using size 4 needle, put 11 sts back on the needle. Pick up 3 sts, 14 sts total.
    • R1: P all around
    • R2: K all around.
    • Repeat R1 and R2 two more times. BO purl wise.

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